What is Chapter of Benevolence? +
Chapter of Benevolence 489 is a Holy Royal Arch Freemasons group.
When does the Chapter meet? +
Chapter of Benevolence 489 meets on the second Thursday of February, March, May, September, and November at Bideford Masonic Hall, Bridgeland Street, Bideford, Devon EX39 2QE.
Membership is open to people of all faiths +
Although the inspiration behind the exaltation ceremony is to be found in the Old Testament, membership is open to Freemasons of all faiths, who have achieved the 3rd (Master Mason) Degree for 4 weeks or more. Its themes are universal and applicable to all.
What is the Holy Royal Arch? +
In England and Wales Craft Freemasonry and the Royal Arch are “indissolubly” linked; the Royal Arch being considered the fourth and final stage of a Freemason’s journey in
“Pure Antient Freemasonry”.
When is the installation meeting? +
The installation meeting of Chapter of Benevolence 489 is held annually at our September convocation.
How can I join? +
Membership of the Holy Royal Arch is available to any subscribing Master Mason of four weeks and upwards. To join Chapter of Benevolence 489, please contact us for more information.